Ample Life Support Services


Thread : Answer to AMC obstetrics clinical question- 2

    Answer to AMC obstetrics clinical question- 2
    by: admin on 7th Oct'2013

    This question essentially is about recognising the high risk of this patient

    In thie primigravida with U/S evidence of low lying placenta now presenting with H/O vaginal bleeding about 12 hrs ago the differential diagnosis should include Placental abruption, plavcenta previa and the other non prgenancy related causes like trauma, cervical polyp etc. Rare causes like vasa previa should be conisdered but very rare

    Ask about pain, amount of blood and colour.

    Confirm whether it is the first time

    Rule out other medical conditions in the history

    Rule out previous U/S findings and antenatal clinic visits, and rule out twins from history

    O/E vital signs,

    Gentle abdominal examination for uterine check ( usually not tender in previa), FHR.

    NO VAGINAL Examination should be performed until U/S examination done to rule out placenta previa and abruption and rule out ongoing bleeding.

    If vital signs are normal then arrange U/S

    Collect blood samples for FBE, Groupd & cross match , coagulation profile, feto-maternal hemorrhage test

    Above 24 weeks, consider steroid injection

    CTG monitoring to check fetal status

    Anti RhD immunoglobulin if Rh negative

    Maternal monitoring

    Bed rest and obstetrician review

    For previa- should book OT for urgent semil elective - C/S

    For abruption- if no fetal distress and no ongoing major hemorrhage the induction of labour under close monitoring for fetal distress is an option

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